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Everyone likes their sleep.

If you’re like me, it can be challenging to pull ourselves out of bed in the morning.

Some people are good at everything they do, and fly out of bed the moment they hear their alarm or the sun’s rays warm their cheeks.

God bless these people.

If only more people were like them.

For everyone else, we don’t have to over-exert ourselves in the morning when all we want to do is crawl back into our warm bed. We can still take steps to grow our business.


1. The first thing
First, the moment we wake up, let’s roll over look at our notebook entries from last night. Our subconscious mind has been working all night to solve the problems and come up with efficient solutions for each of them, now it’s time to get to work.

PRO TIP: All of us have the same 24 hours in a day. Some people have figured out a way to get more done in less time. This gives them more time to do what they want. You can learn how to do this to when you download my complimentary PDF call Time Management Hacks for FREE right now:

Click Here To Download Jacob’s   

2. Re-wiring our brain
While we’re brushing our teeth or sipping on our favorite coffee or tea, let’s play an upline approved audio to help us rewire our mind. We’ve already got to do it so why not get in the habit of getting it over with right away. Besides we are already doing something we enjoy.

3. A simple task
Let’s open up our phone and make set one new appointment to share a presentation. We can connect with people we are friends with, or that special someone we’ve had on our mind who could really use our products in their life.

Yes, this easy.

It is a simple routine to start.

It also doesn’t take a lot of time.

And that is good news!

Let’s keep learning…

When you're truly ready to SKYROCKET your business and increase your monthly income, you can escape into freedom here, now...


How To Thrive In Networking (Free Download)
For FIFTEEN years I struggled in our profession. Then, the very next year everything changed. Find out what I learned, and what you need to focus on to become a better leader and build a thriving business.

#QuickHits (Subscribe now!)
People don't always need a 20 minute video to explain something. #QuickHits is a youtube playlist of top-producer ideas, proven scripts and leadership concepts that you can share with your team to build better culture and encourage growth. Take 30 seconds to subscribe today.

Facebook Mastermind Group Coaching (Request Access)
It can be hard to stay accountable. It can be tricky knowing who to listen to. That's why I put together a group coaching program for folks who have a the desire to be a top earner in our profession. Request access to my group coaching today where you'll get weekly tips, proven strategies and scripts that you can use to grow your business.

I am always posting new trainings and download-able resources on my website, so make sure you bookmark this page and check back frequently.

You rock, and I wanted you to know personally from me...

...I appreciate you.

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