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Your warm market is HUGE.

Bigger than you even realize and so is your new teammate’s warm contacts. The average American knows about 600 people by first name. SIX HUNDRED. And, with social media, the average person is easily connected to another 2,500-5,000 people.

The idea that “I don’t know anyone” is simply not true anymore, however what people really mean when they say that, is typically “I don’t know what to say to them”, so they simply never do.

In this post I’m going to describe who I consider your “warm contacts” to be and how to invite them so that it’s not awkward, but instead becomes natural the more you do it.

BTW … if you’re looking for my favorite questions to ask when prospecting, click the button below to download my “8 Greatest Prospecting Questions” PDF:

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So.. Who Are My Warm Contacts?
Your warm contacts are people that would recognize your name on social media or know you by name. You may not even be close friends with these people, but if they saw your name show up in their news feed, they wouldn’t be like “Whooa who the heck is this?”.

You should always start by inviting your “white hot” contacts first, and then move on to warm contact inviting. I find that the average person (just in the phone and social media) has a minimum of 500 or so warm contacts. Some real rock stars have closer to 2500+ warm contacts when they first start, but everyone has at least 500.

Ok, How Do I Invite Them Without It Being “Weird”?
I have three rules to follow when inviting your warm market: icebreaker, be direct, clear the date.

Always start with some type of “icebreaker” (conversation starter) especially if it’s been a while or you’ve never actually talked to someone. People are busy. It’s ok to be direct.

I get straight to the point and relate to them why I’m actually reaching out and then I clear the date with them before EVER showing them any information. A script I like to use goes something like this:

“Hey, ___________, we haven’t been in touch for a ridiculously long time. It looks like from your Facebook that you and your family are doing well, and I can’t wait to catch up about all that’s great in your life, but that’s not why I’m reaching out. What do you have going on today?”

And I wait. When they reply, I’ll say:

“Ok, I have an idea I want to run by you. When can you be in front of a computer for about 15 mins today?”

…and then I wait. If they don’t reply I don’t reply. When they give me a time that they can be in front of a computer for 15 mins I’ll say “Cool, I’ll call/text/message you then.”

What Happens Next?
Talk with your upline and do whatever they recommend next. I like to share some initial information with them to see where they’re at.

If they hate it, I thank them for their time and move on. If they’re excited or have questions I would then book a time to share a full presentation. Again, whatever your upline is doing that is working, stick to that.

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Categories: Home BusinessInviting