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In our profession there are two types of people, those that always have enough people to talk to, and those that think they’ve no-one left to take a look at their opportunity.

Everyone knows they need people to talks to, people to share the presentation with, yet most people that are struggling say they’ve got no one left to talk to. Today;’s topic is on inviting. And how I believe it is the number one skill in our profession. Y’see the top earners know how to invite, whether they realize it or not, at some point whether naturally or through tons and tons of repetition, every top earner (that stays a top earner) learns to love and get good at the invite.

So let’s talk inviting.

Minimum daily presentations
If you want to go full time in your business you’re going to need to be doing 3-5 presentations a day five to six days out of the week. Now you can take Saturday or Sunday off that’s fine, just know that in order to get to a full time income you’re going to be doing 3-5 presentations a day, five to six days a week.

If you’re looking for the best thing to say when inviting and talking to your warm market, make sure you download your copy of my “8 Greatest Questions” below:

Click Here To Download Jacob’s   

In the beginning it’s the toughest, because it’s just you, but once you have a team and you start doing presentations for your teammates it becomes easier to get in your 3-5 presentations a day. If you want to have a massive income, you’ll want to up that number to 5+ presentations a day.

Weekly flagship meetings
If your group meets every week for a flagship meeting you want to continue inviting and presenting throughout the week leading up to that event. Y’see amateurs invite to recruit and professionals recruit to in invite.

Let me xplaineth.

An amateur, they invite all of their prospects to the weekly meeting in hopes that their leader or upline will close their prospects once a week at that meeting. After the weekly meeting they make a few more invites and wait seven days until the next meeting to see what happens after their prospects show up and take a look at the presentation.

A professional recruits to invite, meaning that, five to six days a week they are inviting AND showing the presentation to their prospects so that the prospects who decide to get started can attend the weekly flagship meeting and brings their people with them. There’s a big difference here. BIG difference.

When you recruit to invite, and you’re always bringing new teammates AND guests to your weekly flagship meeting, it will continue to grow in numbers and the momentum increases. BUT, The moment you stop bringing new people to the weekly flagship meeting, it will start to implode on itself. SO… that’s why you want to be inviting AND presenting in the days leading UP to the weekly flagship meeting so that you can continue to build the momentum. Make sense?

Open your mouth
It amazes me how many people will say that they don’t have anyone to talk to, yet if you’d ask them to open up their phone and start going through their list of contacts, there are still people they haven’t spoken to about their opportunity or products yet.

Not sure what to say to your prospects? Click the button below to download my “8 Greatest Questions” PDF:

Click Here To Download Jacob’s   

Bottom line is, you need to share your message with EVERYONE, let me repeat, EVERYONE on your contact list. Why? Because you have absolutely no idea who will say yes, or who will say no. Pick up the phone and open your mouth!

Don’t play God a prejudge who WILL or who will watch, let them take a look and decide for themselves.

Who to talk to first
Start with your “white hot” market first. Open up your phone and get ahold of your contacts, open up facebook and contact your friends lists. This is your white hot market – the last 20-100 people you last spoke with or interacted with on social media.

Next, move onto your warm market. Your warm market is anyone who knows your name, whether in your phone or on social media. And finally, branch out into cold market prospecting. Understand that the only reason you do cold market inviting is to get to THEIR hot and warm market. When you build your business this way, you will always have an unlimited list of new people to talk to either through your own personal list or through your teammates lists as you help them build their business.

When you're truly ready to SKYROCKET your business and increase your monthly income, you can escape into freedom here, now...


How To Thrive In Networking (Free Download)
For FIFTEEN years I struggled in our profession. Then, the very next year everything changed. Find out what I learned, and what you need to focus on to become a better leader and build a thriving business.

#QuickHits (Subscribe now!)
People don't always need a 20 minute video to explain something. #QuickHits is a youtube playlist of top-producer ideas, proven scripts and leadership concepts that you can share with your team to build better culture and encourage growth. Take 30 seconds to subscribe today.

Facebook Mastermind Group Coaching (Request Access)
It can be hard to stay accountable. It can be tricky knowing who to listen to. That's why I put together a group coaching program for folks who have a the desire to be a top earner in our profession. Request access to my group coaching today where you'll get weekly tips, proven strategies and scripts that you can use to grow your business.

I am always posting new trainings and download-able resources on my website, so make sure you bookmark this page and check back frequently.

You rock, and I wanted you to know personally from me...

...I appreciate you.

Thanks for reading!

Categories: Home BusinessInviting