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We spend time with people we like.

Everyone likes to feel valued.

If we continue to keep ourselves walled off or behind a screen, what kind of message are we giving to our team?

Let’s think about it.

We all want to have a thriving team.

What are we doing to communicate that they are valued, important and needed?.

For most of us, we already know the answer.

The problem?

We all want to spend our time with our leaders that deserve it.

We also want everyone to feel valued and important no matter where they are at in the journey.

How can honor our top producers while also motivating our new people to achieve more?

The answer?

A weekly leadership meal.

Is it really that easy?


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Here are some ideas we can use.

Picture this.

We are wanting to start a weekly leadership meal. Let’s call it our weekly mastermind. We’ll need a way for new people AND our seasoned team members to compete for a chance to attend without it getting ugly.

That means our qualification rules will need to be based on weekly production. Let’s start simple.

Let’s say everyone that enrolls one new customer will get an invite to our weekly mastermind. That is the requirement.

This way our seasoned team members can’t sit back and rely on their team’s to do the work for them, and this also means our new people will have a chance.

Now, both our new and seasoned team members will have to actually do something to qualify.


We’ll pick a time that works good for us, let’s say 6:30pm on Thursdays. We can either take everyone out to eat at our favorite local place, or we can have everyone over to our home and ask they bring a dish to pass if we are on a budget.

If we go to a restaurant, we’ll have our team members pay for their own meals until we are generating enough residual income to treat them to dinner ourselves. We’ll use this as a learning opportunity and show them how to write off part of their meal for tax purposes.

Maybe we’ll even buy lunch for this week’s top producer.

This is an easy way to get our teams excited, adding in a little competition, and help alot of people stay focused. Yes, dating our weekly leaders in this way can be both fun and beneficial.

Let’s keep going…

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How To Thrive In Networking (Free Download)
For FIFTEEN years I struggled in our profession. Then, the very next year everything changed. Find out what I learned, and what you need to focus on to become a better leader and build a thriving business.

#QuickHits (Subscribe now!)
People don't always need a 20 minute video to explain something. #QuickHits is a youtube playlist of top-producer ideas, proven scripts and leadership concepts that you can share with your team to build better culture and encourage growth. Take 30 seconds to subscribe today.

Facebook Mastermind Group Coaching (Request Access)
It can be hard to stay accountable. It can be tricky knowing who to listen to. That's why I put together a group coaching program for folks who have a the desire to be a top earner in our profession. Request access to my group coaching today where you'll get weekly tips, proven strategies and scripts that you can use to grow your business.

I am always posting new trainings and download-able resources on my website, so make sure you bookmark this page and check back frequently.

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...I appreciate you.

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