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We all love regional events.

There is something special about coming together with like-minded people in our company that are also working on building their dreams. It’s fun to connect with people we haven’t seen in a while.

Why does our company host events?

Because they understand something that most amateurs don’t.

We become who we spend the most time with.

This is why people say that our income is the average of the five people we spend the most time with. Sure, we love our new people, but if we ourselves are never spending time with people more successful than us in our company, we will never be able to help our team increase their income also.

Think about that for a moment.

Let’s read that paragraph again.

Everyone knows that our income is the average of the five people we spend the most time with.

We love our new people, but if we ourselves are never spending time with people more successful than us in our company, we will never be able to help our team increase their income also.

It is a ripple “effect”.

We will either lift our team higher, or drag them down.

And this is based on who we associate with.

This picture says it all:

PRO TIP: If we can’t duplicate ourselves, we can’t use the time leverage that our business allows us. If you’d like to know how to create Accelerated Duplication, build leaders, increase retention and duplicate your efforts from day one… you can click here right now:

Click Here To Download Jacob’s   

When new people get started, they are like a roller coaster of emotions.

They’re excited one day.

Depressed the next.

Excited again on Monday.

And by Friday they’re ready to quit.

Attending regional events creates stability in our team.

It quiets peoples fears.

Our new team members are around negative people all day long.

Their spouse tells them they will fail.

Their co-workers scream “it’s a pyramid”.

Their boss pokes fun at them.

Their friends would rather drink than hear a presentation.

And their family tells them they’re chasing a pipe dream.

Yes, people can be mean.

When we ourselves choose to attend every regional event, this gives our team members a leg up, because they too will naturally want to duplicate what we are doing.

This will create stability throughout our team.

This will create momentum.

And this is a great mindset for our team to have.

When you're truly ready to SKYROCKET your business and increase your monthly income, you can escape into freedom here, now...


How To Thrive In Networking (Free Download)
For FIFTEEN years I struggled in our profession. Then, the very next year everything changed. Find out what I learned, and what you need to focus on to become a better leader and build a thriving business.

#QuickHits (Subscribe now!)
People don't always need a 20 minute video to explain something. #QuickHits is a youtube playlist of top-producer ideas, proven scripts and leadership concepts that you can share with your team to build better culture and encourage growth. Take 30 seconds to subscribe today.

Facebook Mastermind Group Coaching (Request Access)
It can be hard to stay accountable. It can be tricky knowing who to listen to. That's why I put together a group coaching program for folks who have a the desire to be a top earner in our profession. Request access to my group coaching today where you'll get weekly tips, proven strategies and scripts that you can use to grow your business.

I am always posting new trainings and download-able resources on my website, so make sure you bookmark this page and check back frequently.

You rock, and I wanted you to know personally from me...

...I appreciate you.

Thanks for reading!