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I get asked ALL the time for the “right” thing to say or what are my scripts I am using on facebook to show so many presentations in such a short amount of time.

The answer?

It’s not so much WHAT you say but more in HOW you say it. Yes, I know we’ve all heard this saying before, however I want to show you (in a practical way) how this can be true AND still help you get better results. So here are my top three tips when it comes to booking presentations via facebook.

#1 Be direct

Hey you remember that creepy guy who messaged you out of the blue asking about how your friends and family are, and where you currently work?

Don’t be THAT guy. Lol.

People aren’t dumb. They can handle it when someone is direct with them. And if they can’t, they’re probably not the best candidates to be taking a serious look at your business. I have a PHENOMENAL script I use that uses a good mix of “friendliness” while still being direct and to the point. if you need an example of what I’m talking about, you can download that script here:

Click Here To Download Jacob’s   

#2 No links – get them to the phone

Never EVER give them a link and expect them to sign up (or even take a look for that matter). They won’t. Instead, once you know they’re interested or curious in what it is you’re offering, simply say:

“When’s a good time to pop on the phone and connect?”

Again, if they can’t keep a simple phone appointment, they’re probably not going to be a good fit for what we do.

#3 Don’t burn bridges

I’ve seen people with absolutely no horse-sense at all who I haven’t spoken with in years, message me totally out of the blue and say that they’re NOW ready to take a serious look again. I had a lady that has been on my email list for THREE years ask me about getting started just the other day.

The point is, you never know when the “right” time is going to be for someone, so, don’t be a jerk about it and stay friendly. If they say no now, simply thank them for their time and move on.

You never know when they might come back around if you’ve kept the lines of communication open.

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How To Thrive In Networking (Free Download)
For FIFTEEN years I struggled in our profession. Then, the very next year everything changed. Find out what I learned, and what you need to focus on to become a better leader and build a thriving business.

#QuickHits (Subscribe now!)
People don't always need a 20 minute video to explain something. #QuickHits is a youtube playlist of top-producer ideas, proven scripts and leadership concepts that you can share with your team to build better culture and encourage growth. Take 30 seconds to subscribe today.

Facebook Mastermind Group Coaching (Request Access)
It can be hard to stay accountable. It can be tricky knowing who to listen to. That's why I put together a group coaching program for folks who have a the desire to be a top earner in our profession. Request access to my group coaching today where you'll get weekly tips, proven strategies and scripts that you can use to grow your business.

I am always posting new trainings and download-able resources on my website, so make sure you bookmark this page and check back frequently.

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