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We were busy before.

Now we are in network marketing and we have even more on our plate. If it’s fulfilling, most us don’t mind the work. However, our friends and family are not used to this extra workload.

They are used to having our time and attention whenever they want.

We know why we are building our business.

But most of our friends and family won’t understand.

It’s not their fault.

The truth?

It’s our fault.


Because we are the ones who chose to start a business and disrupt the system. We are the ones who are trying to give our families a better life. We’re the ones who are taking time from one place and using it in another.


We are sounding kind of selfish right now.

Is there any hope for us?

Can’t we have a business and still have a life?

The answer?

Yes we can.

But, we will have to be smart.

PRO TIP: All of us have the same 24 hours in a day. Some people have figured out a way to get more done in less time. This gives them more time to do what they want. You can learn how to do this to when you download my complimentary PDF call Time Management Hacks for FREE right now:

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Sometimes we will need to close our computer to spend time with our children. At times, we may even need to turn off the daily audios and take our spouse out to a nice restaurant. We cannot put our entire lives on hold to build our businesses anymore. We must start making better choices.


The universe was created with order.

Like gravity, we cannot change it, we can only work WITH it.

without proper order, our relationships will suffer.

Without order, we will begin disliking even ourselves.

So what is this order?

And how do we work with it?

There are five areas of our lives that need tending to: Work, Family, Spouse, Fun and Spiritual. But, do we know what order they must go in?

Let’s find out.

Here is how we must order our lives to stay balanced and healthy. The five areas, in order are:

– Spiritual
– Spouse
– Family (kids go here)
– Work
– Play

When we allow the importance of these area to move around in when we get chaos in our lives. Chaos is the opposite of order. For instance, if we always put our children’s needs above our spouse, our marriage will begin to suffer.

When we put partying before work, our financial situations will begin to suffer. If we suppress our spiritual lives, or even if we allow it to be anything other than number one, all areas of our life will suffer.


No wonder our spouse is negative.

No wonder our family feels they never see us.

Yes, this is serious stuff.

Surely we can do better.

So what are some ways we can start improving?

First, let’s get our spiritual life back on track. We need to be feeding our spirit daily. After all this is the area to get right first.

Next, let’s start paying attention to our spouse and date them regularly. Yes, even a total grouch can be turned back into a friend and mate with enough time and attention.

Third, our family and children. Grab those legos, play hide and seek. Take your children out on a date. Call your mother. Little actions can make a big difference.

Next, work. Let’s work like we mean it. We’re tired of struggling. Let’s get the skills we need to start succeeding in our profession.

Finally, have fun. What are some of our hobbies? What have we been neglecting? It’s okay to spend money on ourselves. It’s okay to go somewhere alone for a change. Let’s remember that there are five areas, not just four. And all five area need to be attended to.

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How To Thrive In Networking (Free Download)
For FIFTEEN years I struggled in our profession. Then, the very next year everything changed. Find out what I learned, and what you need to focus on to become a better leader and build a thriving business.

#QuickHits (Subscribe now!)
People don't always need a 20 minute video to explain something. #QuickHits is a youtube playlist of top-producer ideas, proven scripts and leadership concepts that you can share with your team to build better culture and encourage growth. Take 30 seconds to subscribe today.

Facebook Mastermind Group Coaching (Request Access)
It can be hard to stay accountable. It can be tricky knowing who to listen to. That's why I put together a group coaching program for folks who have a the desire to be a top earner in our profession. Request access to my group coaching today where you'll get weekly tips, proven strategies and scripts that you can use to grow your business.

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