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Now that we know that there is an order to doing things, it’s time to starting blocking out chunks of time to attend to these areas.

Since we know we cannot have a successful business for long if the other areas of our lives are out of whack, we must also include time to take care of these other areas when we are block out time.

PRO TIP: It’s important that assign a task to ALL hours of the day because time will expand to fill whatever you have set aside for that specific task.

For example, if you set aside 2 hours to do a task that truthfully takes only 30 minutes, you will find that it will somehow always take you about 2 hours to complete that 30 minute task.


Time blocking is not a new concept.

Most people already block out time for things.

What amateurs forget, is that we must block out ALL times during the week and assign them to a specific task.

This is the hidden key to time blocking.

We simply grab a planner or even a piece of paper, and write out the words for the day of the week.

Once we’ve got the days of the week written out, we’ll write down the time blocks we will devote to each area of our lives.

Let’s remember that any time we do not block out WILL fill up with something else that is non-productive. We don’t get squandered time back. Let’s always make sure that we block our time responsibly.

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