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Let’s face it, if you hate closing it’s probably because you’re really BAD at closing!


The good news is, becoming a better closer is TOTALLY do-able even if you’re horrible at it. Y’see the reason most people never get started in your business isn’t because they have a ton of objections or they don’t like the idea, it’s because they’re never actually asked to get started!

Y’see the number one fear most people have is the fear of rejection, so after the presentation, the amateur asks “So… what’d you think?” which isn’t really asking for a decision because they’re so scared of what will happen if someone tells them no that they’d rather never even ask!

Over the next few posts we’re going to cover how to become better at closing and how to learn to LOVE closing, starting with my 5 tips on becoming a better closer:

#1 Have fun!
Smile! Lighten up. If you’ve always got your nose to the grindstone, that’s not attractive to your prospects.

What’s attractive is the kind of fun and joy that comes from our profession, so have fun and get excited because people are looking for that!

#2 Posture up
Realize that they need YOU, you don’t need them. You are the president and CEO of your own multi-million dollar business.

There is no ONE person that is going to make or break your success. You’re going to do this and be successful with or WITHOUT any one person, so posture up and put your big boy or big girl pants on!

#3 Be excited
Great leaders have the ability to transfer emotion to other people, so, if you want to begin to transfer that emotion YOU need to be excited! I’m not saying be hyped up, but be GENUINELY excited!

#4 ZERO emotional attachment
“When you stop being afraid of people saying no, people will begin telling you YES.”

And this is totally true. Y’see you’re going to attract whatever you think about so when you genuinely do not care whether someone says yes or says no, your closing ratios will actually begin to go up.

#5 LOVE closing
Convince yourself that you LOVE to close. Success in our profession is all an INNER game. It’s all in how we think.

I used to get so nervous when it was time to close because I was so afraid of rejection. I was so afraid of what people would think or tell me I’m nuts that I would literally get so uptight at the end of a presentation and then couldn’t figure out why people wouldn’t join.

Start telling yourself “I LOVE closing” or “I’m a great closer” or “people love joining with me”. Here’s the cool thing, you don’t even have to believe it at first. In fact, you probably won’t believe it, but through repetition, over time your subconscious will eventually begin to believe what you say and you will in fact become a better closer!

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Categories: ClosingHome Business